First kosher hotels in Carinthia

kosher hotel Carinthia Austria

First kosher hotels in Carinthia

“Two kosher hotels were opened this summer in Carinthia (South Austria), and both were fully booked. This is indicating that Carinthia is apparently becoming the new desired destination for Israelis.” – wrote Jacob Maor, journalist at Jewishtraveler.  Maor was one of the journalists participating in the journalists famtrip, organized by AK Consulting with the support of Carinthian regions, such as Klagenfurt, Hohe Tauern / Flattach, Bad Kleinkirchheim and the airport Klagenfurt.

One of the 2 hotels is hotel Sport in Flattach, which had a “glatt kosher” operation for 3 weeks this summer. Its owner is very pleased with the project and was impressed by friendly and polite Jewish guests and is looking forward to continuing and to extending the project next year.

Within 3 weeks more than 450 guests from Israel came to hotel Sport in Flattach and brought over 3.000 overnights, which is more than 30% of the total yearly overnights from Israel in Carinthia.

AK Consulting and team are proud and satisfied with these results, however aim to bring more tourists from Israel to Carinthia. Next goal is to finalize the realization of direct flights from Tel Aviv to Klagenfurt, which are planned to take place from next summer onwards and will comfortably bring more tourists from Israel to Carinthia.


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